Before you can start making money, the only thing you need to understand is that people will only pay for what they value.
And people value whatever solves their problems. And if you are not creating value, you are not in the money.
Now, if you want to roll with The Copy Cartel, you have to make value your core belief. And with this core belief, there are 5 Marketing Keys that operate under value.
Once you understand and master these 5 keys, it will unlock the cash that rules everything around you.
Dollar dollar bills, y’all!

Marketing Key #1: Proof of Value (how good is your product or service?)
The first key to converting your audience really depends on how good your product or service is.
How good are you? Remember, people will only pay for what they value… and what that value will do for their lives. People won’t buy from you unless your product/service:
- solves a problem
- makes life better
- gives them security
- makes them care
So, your product or service must essentially serve as proof of value. And the things that give your product/service that proof are:
- quality: whatever your product/service does; it has to do it well, consistently!
- advertising: tell and show the world how awesome your product/service is and prove it
- testimonials: get actual buyers to tell more people how awesome your product/service is
There are many ways to demonstrate that your product/service has proof of value. But that’s just the gist of it.
At The Copy Cartel, we are big believers in the existence of value. If you have an amazing product/service, we want to help you bring more of that value to the world… with the power of good copy.
And you can work with us to convert more of your audience for more sales.
Marketing Key #2: Market Awareness (do you even exist?)
Congratulations! You do have a great product/service and you’re working on the proof of value. But how aware is your audience of said product/service?
Do they even know it exists?
Market awareness basically comes down to “how much selling do I need to do to convince my audience?”
This depends on whether your audience is:
- cold (they have never heard or bought from you before)
- warm (they’ve kinda heard of you and even bought once or twice from you)
- red hot (they know who you are and want more of your product/service every time)
If you have a cold audience, you’re gonna have to do a lot more convincing. You’ll spend more time on proof of value and marketing in comparison to more established competitors.
The late Gary Halbert can explain how much convincing one has to do with a cold audience…
Imagine you’re stuck on a beautiful private island for the rest of your life with access to EVERYTHING you need.
But you are all alone.
However, you get to pick from a collection of 100 people to live with you as your “soulmate” on this island. But only under these conditions:
- you can NEVER see or talk to this person before you pick them (they’ve seen photos of you)
- and they can only write you one letter to tell you about themselves
- you have to pick ONE after you receive all your letters.
Now tell me… will a letter like…
…make you want to pick this person?
Don’t you want to know EVERYTHING about this person since you’re going to spend the rest of your life with them?
It’s an extreme example.
But think of the cold audience as the person stuck on that island looking for a soulmate. They will need as much information as possible before they decide.
And that’s the same approach you should take with your product/service.
If your prospect has no idea of what your product/service does and why they need your product, then you must answer every question they might have; such as:
- who are you?
- what is your product?
- what problem does it solve?
- what are the benefits?
- can I trust your product?
- what are other people saying about it?
- do I really need this product?
- am I getting a good or better deal with you?
- do I really need this product or not?
So if your prospects are cold, follow this golden rule of thumb.
“The more you tell. The more you sell.”
The Warm Audience
With a warm audience, you’ll still spend more time convincing your audience but at least you now have some market share and awareness. Your first-time buyers will further build up your proof of value. Just focus on establishing a good rapport with your new buyers and turning them into a red hot audience.
The Red Hot Audience
Ultimately, you want your audience to be red hot to you. An audience that knows who you are, readily promotes your proof of value, and are rabid fans because your product/service delivers every time.
In fact, they eagerly await your next product/service so they can throw money at you.
Having a red hot audience is the reason Beyonce can drop a surprise album on her birthday at midnight. There was no prior advertising or promotion and it became the fastest-selling album on iTunes according to the Guinness World of Records.
No upcoming artist can achieve that feat in one night without a red hot audience.
Fortunately for you, you don’t have to be Queen Bey. All you need is a great product/service that warms them up until they’re red hot!
Marketing Key #3: Positioning (how does the audience perceive you?)
How are you perceived in the market? Are you a generalist, specialist, or a celebrity? Are you an expert? How do people react to your product/service? And what is their impression of it?
What do you think of a person driving a Ford truck versus someone with a Tesla? The product/service your audience uses, implicity says something about their positioning as well.
Beyonce is a celebrity and an expert musician and performer in her field. She is highly positioned, respected and valued by society and the marketplace. And it’s safe to say that she’s popular as she even has her own name for her millions of fans- The Beyhive.
Even the people who buy her stuff have a sense of community.
Having a great product/service can elevate your positioning in the marketplace which can lead to influence, opportunities, and an established platform.
That’s why it’s vital that you highly position your product/service to the appropriate audience; they’ll get behind you every time.
Marketing Key #4: Presence (how active are you in the market and community?)
Presence is all about being active in the marketplace and community while you make money moves. Have you?
- created more quality products/services?
- brokered any deals with other businesses/institutions with your product/service?
- leveraged your product/services into other opportunities?
- engaged in community outreach?
- scaled further as you earn more revenue and profits?
Presence means that you’ll continue to do the work to elevate your product/service so that it adds value to the audience and community you serve.
So whatever you do, be consistent, don’t give up, and keep providing value to the world around you.
Stay in the market and community for as long as you can.
Marketing Key #5: Track Record (can you back it up?)
A Track Record is the success (or failure) you can quantify or certify. These are the actual numbers and stats that back up your product/service.
In Beyonce’s case, she has an incredible track record:
- a net-worth of $355 million
- sold over $13 million in album sales
- won 6 awards in the 2010 Grammy Awards
- awarded “Artist of the Millennium” by Rolling Stone
- released 6 studio albums
- 4 live albums
- has a Netflix Special
- five EPs
- An HBO release for her visual album, Lemonade
- two karaoke albums
- And 62 singles and counting (including 12 as a featured artist, 9 promotional singles and 5 charity singles)
I can go on and on. Beyonce’s track record just makes it easier for her to sell.
And the best part is you don’t have to be Beyonce.
Think of your own impressive stats and records you can present to your audience. A good track record establishes the authority of your product/service.
If you want to carve out your own RED HOT niche market for yourself, The Copy Cartel can help.
Until then, stay blessed.